3. Set up a FbF programme


FbF is only as strong as the National Society supporting it. One important part of FbF is the development of EAPs, which requires a certain set of knowledge and skills that should be built within National Societies engaging in FbF. However, EAPs can only have an impact if the National Society is ready to implement them at any given time, within the short time frame available and in many different areas. This requires extensive capacity development, establishment or adjustment of procedures and equipment. In-short the National Society should be “FbF ready”.

FbF as a mechanism is designed to be anchored in the existing structures, strategies and plans of the NS and the DRM system. The process of integrating the FbF mechanism within the National Society (as part of a National DRM system) requires a high level of commitment to forge linkages to preparedness and response, but also to revise and improve its disaster response capacity. FbF builds on its Feasibility Studies and on the PER evaluation at country level.

This chapter recaps recommendations for setting up an FbF system and making the National Society “FBF ready”. It outlines some of the necessary steps a National Society may take to ensure buy-in and ownership of FbF at all levels of the NS and to facilitate understanding of EAPs. These steps can be taken before, during or after the EAP development.

The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement has decades of experience strengthening capacity within NSs.

Building on the FbF feasibility study and if available the results of recent PER auto-evaluations, or other assessments, this chapter outlines ways in which the FbF project team can identify and develop capacity for specific areas which should be strengthened in order for FbF to best contribute to the National Societies’ policies, strategies and plans for preparedness and response.

Step 1: Appoint an FbF focal point and on-board leadership

Before taking this first step, the National Society should have already expressed their interest in FbF and assessed what needs to be done for introducing the approach (see Chapter 1. Commit to FbF and Assess Feasibility). This interest should now be further defined.

Appoint focal point:

In the initial FbF-set up phase, the appointed FbF focal point, will lead the introduction of FbF in the National Society. Depending on the design of the future engagement in FbF (e.g. via the establishment of a project or integration in existing projects/activities), the focal point can later also lead the overall management of FbF activities. Ideally, this person is a “true FbF champion”, convinced by the FbF approach and well-able to explain and argue for it. Experience shows that it can be helpful if the focal point is someone close to the decision-making level and/or already involved in Disaster Management.

The primary tasks of the FbF focal point are to 1) advocate and onboard NS leadership, 2) lead assessment of and embedment of FbF into existing NS strategies and plans on Capacity Development, Preparedness and Response and 3) strengthen capacity via convening trainings and strategic dialogues with NS leadership, critical staff, volunteers and partners to create understanding of and interest in FbF throughout the organisation.

Recommended orientation steps to on-board FbF focal point:

  • Reach out to National Societies/Partner National Societies for an Induction.
  • Familiarize yourself with the FbF Climate Centre Training Kit.
  • Include senior management participation in Dialogue Platforms.
  • Invite core FbF staff to participate in webinars with PNSs.

Advocate and on-board leadership

At the political and strategic level it’s important to foster ownership over the FbF approach, starting with the National Society President and Secretary General and board members.  NS leadership should support the vision of integrating FbF into the NS DM strategies, and FbF should be formally approved at the board level. At this moment, the link to the NS Development Plan must be clearly understood by all levels of the NS.

This institutionalization of FbF will play a critical role in the NS’ advocacy and implementation of an anticipatory approach with national government and key DRM  actors.

Making the case for FbF – why the NS should lead this concept:

  • Conduct an introductory workshop/meeting.
  • Identify how FbF adds value to NS already existing work in EWEA.
  • Identify institutional barriers for FbF and ways to overcome them.
  • Formalize commitment through including FbF in strategy or plan.
Step 2: Set up your FbF Program or structure

Building on the results of the feasibility study and following first trainings and inductions of FbF at different levels within the NS, a plan of action for setting up an FbF mechanism or system should be jointly developed. All departments that will be involved in FbF set up and development/implementation of FbF should be involved (depending on the structure of the National Society, this can be the Organizational Development, Disaster Management, Risk Reduction etc.)

It can take up between 18 and 24 months for a National Society to develop their EAPs and be fully FbF ready. There are different ways to work towards FbF establishment; in most countries an FbF project is set up, often with support of a Partner National Society. This can provide a clear framework for FbF set up and the human and financial ressources necessary. Contact other NS in your region that already implement FbF projects, IFRC focal points, the Anticipation Hub or PNS active in FbF to learn about their experiences and get guidance on what to include in the project budget and how to structure a project team. Experience shows that it is a good idea to have an FbF coordinator, in order to have someone clearly in charge of all work related to FbF set up and EAP implementation. Beyond the specialist profiles required during EAP development (see step 5), it can also be an advantage to have more general profiles, such as someone working on organizational development, or logistics.

Where the establishment of a dedicated FbF project is not necessary or not possible, the FbF focal point should lead the implementation by the different involved departments and staff. In this case it is important that the joint roadmap or action plan is regularly reviewed and responsibilities in implementation are clear. While FbF can be included in existing trainings and plans, ressources for trainings specific to FbF should be available. Certain technical expertise is necessary for the EAP development (see step 5), consider if existing teams/departments have these capacities or if they can be externally sourced.

Logframe and M&E focal point

An FbF programme/project will require a logframe in alignment with IFRC monitoring and evaluation guidance, recommendations and tools for quality, results-based management. Ensure the FbF programme/project has a logframe that clearly defines the objectives of this FbF programme/project.

Consider to include in the FbF project/programme plan an analysis/study about how the entire FbF programme (activities/investments) has an impact on the National Society organization development.

It is important to start assessing your own organization’s capacity for collecting and analyzing M&E data at the beginning. If there is a need to engage external M&E expertise, it is a good idea to start identifying potential partners as soon as possible. Identify who within the NS will be responsible for M&E and engage them in the development of the M&E plan, it is also important involving the IFRC PMER focal point in your country or region.

Step 3: Assess existing capacities, strategies and plans

FbF builds upon the existing experience of the NS in Disaster Risk Reduction, Early Warning Systems and response. Understanding how and where FbF adds value to the existing Preparedness, Contingency and Response Strategies, is essential for sustainable FbF implementation. A first assessment of available capacities is already carried out as part of the feasibility study (see chapter 1. Commit to FbF and Assess Feasibility). Once your FbF project or engagement starts, more in-depths assessments should be carried out to identify areas that need to be strengthened.

The capacity to respond effectively to a disaster is related to the capacities needed for activation of EAPs. Assessments of National Society capacity, for example Preparedness for Effective Response (PER), can support you in understanding the organizational development needs, and pinpoint which areas need to be strengthened to be FbF ready; using these frameworks can also show where FbF can contribute to improve the overall capacity of your National Society.

Preparedness for Effective Response assessments offer a viable mechanism to understand, develop and implement continuity of operations and services within NS, linking Preparedness, Early Action and Response. Click here for an overview of the many linkages between PER components and FbF.

To analyze the NS capacity and draft the priority capacity development needs, the PER framework can be used, placing NS Early Action capacity in the center of the analysis. The PER offers this self-assessment across five areas:

  1. Policy, Strategy and Standards
  2. Analysis and Planning
  3. Operational Capacity
  4. Coordination
  5. Operations Support

Preparedness and response checklist

DRM laws, advocacy and dissemination

  • FbF aims to be integrated into the National Society DRM strategy and DRM policies.
    • What existing NS policies, strategies and standards exist, which FbF early actions can support?

 Quality and Accountability

  • FbF mechanisms ensure that the populations living in the most at-risk areas are involved in defining early actions so that these are adequate and meet their needs and priorities. This work at community level is not done in every community, but rather sample communities.
    • How will your NS ensure representative sample communities are chosen, and what is your data collection process/plan?

Hazard, context and risk analysis, monitoring and early warning:

  • A comprehensive risk analysis is crucial to determine FbF triggers but also to prioritize forecast- based action. An FbF mechanism focuses on reducing disaster risk, therefore it is essential to know clearly what are those priority risks that the National Society can tackle based on the understanding of historical disaster events, exposure, vulnerability and also future climate trends.
    • Which data is already available, what risk analysis data remains to be collected, who will lead the process? For monitoring the trigger, is there an IM/data team in place to support the FbF core team?

Scenario Planning:

  • Early Action Protocols determine their intervention map and strategy based on a specific hazard and scenario. This scenario is built using historical evidence, risk data, vulnerability, exposure analysis and forecast. This scenario (and the information used to build it) should be part of inputs used in the preparation of contingency plans.
    • Do preparedness and contingency plans exist for the selected FbF hazard?

Risk management:

  • When defining EAPs, the National Society systematically identifies, assesses and mitigates any potential operational risk in early action implementation. An example is mitigating the risk to volunteers by withdrawing them from impact zones before the event occurs.
    • What are the operational operational risks in FbF activation and how will these be addressed? (This question is can only be answered after early actions have been selected.)

Preparedness Plans and Budgets:

  • FbF helps the NS identify preparedness gaps based on risk analysis and their early action intervention strategy.
    • Based on that analysis what further remedial actions are needed to be put in place to achieve the required preparedness level?


  • Within its EAPs, FbF establishes different roles and protocols (Communications, CTP, FbF implementation, among others) for all staff.
    • How will FbF core staff and activities link to National Society SOPs during the early warning and early action stage? FbF also incorporates a “stop mechanism” that allows reducing or halting the intervention if the forecast changes, how shall this be integrated into SOPs?

Response and recovery planning:

  • Are early actions implemented in communities as set out in the EAPs developed by the FbF mechanism complementary to the activities set out in the response and recovery planning?

NS-specific areas of interventions:

  • The FbF mechanism is connected through community preparedness and DRR, in addition to the implementation of early actions that are part of the National Society’s response sectors (WaSH, health, Shelter, Livelihoods).
    • Which response sectors are relevant to the EAP development, and how will they be integrated?

Early Action mechanisms:

  • NS tests and makes use of new technologies appropriate for context and audiences for sending alert messages related to early action (e.g. text, twitter, email, sms).
    • Does the NS have procedures and personnel permanently available to communicate alerts and initiate early action to all levels of the NS: governance, branches, technical units, branches have functioning local networks to inform communities of potential threats and activate early action (respecting mandates of public authorities)?

Cash-based intervention:

  • CBI is a commonly used tool for the implementation of early action.
    • Can early actions through CBI be considered to contribute to National Societies’ preparedness to implement that same modality in response and recovery programmes?

Emergency Needs Assessment:

  • Risk data collected as part of the development of the FbF intervention map can inform and feed into the Emergency Needs assessments. As this information can be used as a baseline of the situation of the communities prior to a disaster.
    • Can portions of initial data collection activities during the early action phase contribute to the Emergency Needs Assessment?

Assisting people served:

  • The FbF mechanism establishes evidence-based criteria and processes for selecting at risk population and targeting those most vulnerable.
    • Can FbF link to existing systems, like social protection registries?

Information Management:

  • FbF places a high value on Information Management as it relies on different types of data to design its intervention (available forecast, threshold, historical impact, risk analysis, vulnerabilities, capacities).
    • How can FbF contribute to the National Society’s capacity to compile, process, visualize and share information beyond early action?

Testing and learning:

  • FbF requires testing and learning from early actions during EAP development. Results from EAP simulations/EAP activation are fed into the EAP review for updating and with lessons learned.
    • How will existing NS expertise and experience be utilized to design tabletop simulations or drills be conducted regularly to test the FbF scenario and early action intervention strategy?
    • How will the EAP lessons learned from simulations, activations and impact post-activation, contribute to the NS institutional learning? What mechanisms exist to ensure this?

Coordination with authorities:

  • FbF initiatives identify or create coordination spaces to work with local and national authorities and scientific government agencies (for example meteorological services). This contributes to guaranteeing the National Society is formally recognized by the government and has clearly identified areas within early action and response to fulfill their auxiliary role.
    • How is the National Society currently coordinating with authorities and what modes of coordination shall be adapted for FbF, and with whom? (see Chapter on Advocacy)

Coordination with external agencies and NGOs:

  • This strengthens the role of the Red Cross in the national humanitarian coordination system.
    • Within the framework of FbF initiatives, which agreements must be signed/partnerships formalized? Is there an opportunity to jointly establish a shared trigger, design interventions and implement early actions at country level together?

Safety and security Management:

  • The FbF mechanism draws up security plans for the performance of early action within a safer access framework.
    • Are those engaged in EAP implementation/activation aware of how to report security issues and risks by staff and volunteers?

Operations monitoring, evaluation, reporting and learning:

  • Is the EAP Monitoring Evaluation Learning and Accountability (MEAL) section aligned with/strengthens the National Society’s wider MEAL processes?

Finance and admin:

  • FbF financial requests need to be processed in a timely manner to be able conduct the early actions within the lead time, therefore FbF supports the NS to make sure it has trained personnel in Finance and Admin emergency support procedures.
    • Have the EAPs included a clear section on the activation of Finance and Admin emergency procedures linked to the early action (including FbA by DREF procedures)?


  • The FbF mechanism is connected to the supply chain (procurement, transport, storage, distribution).
    • Can FbF connect to existing initiatives that require pre-positioning of materials to implement early action? What needs to be in place to ensure FbF helps guarantee the NS has a secure, dedicated and appropriate space with 24/7 access to receive, store and dispatch supplies needed for the early action?

It is recommended to build on a tool that your National Society already uses. An overview of the manifold assessment tools (OCAC, BOCA, SAF, CHS) )the Movement offers may be found here.

If there is a plan or strategy for National Society Organizational Development, the plan for FbF implementation should be connected.

Step 4: Map who can do what: Plan capacity strengthening activities

Once the FbF core team has a strong understanding of existing preparedness and response strategies and plans (see PER checklist questions above) and areas where support is needed, scope roles and responsibilities for early action.

The strengthening of critical capacities and tools is different for every country and NS. The specific needs can be analyzed within a feasibility study or in several participatory processes during the EAP development. It is important to list the recommended capacity developments in terms of priority and duration of its implementation.

Option 1: Within the Feasibility Study phase

Assessessing existing preparedness and response for FbF under the Regional FbF Latin America project. © Carlos Jauregui

In the Americas the Regional FbF Program adapted its FbF Feasibility study methodology to be fully aligned and integrated in the PER self assessment. By linking both assured that all areas of the National Society fully participate in setting up and implementing Preparedness and Response Planning, from which an FbF work plan was developed in line with the NS Development Plan.

Option 2: Several participatory processes

An alternative to a full PER assessment is the conduction of multiple participative stakeholder workshops. Ideally representation from each NS department will be present to map existing and needed capacities for your FbF project or programme. Remember to account for potentially required new/external support within your planning and budgets.

NS capacity strengthening for FbF is a cyclical process, starting with FbF set-up, EAP development and continuing post EAP validation. Following consultations and mapping, develop your FbF capacity strengthening plan or integrate necessary FbF components into existing NS capacity strengthening plans.

Each NS will have unique capacity strengthening needs/areas of focus, some areas that have been found useful to address in existing FbF projects were:

  • Climate Change Adaptation/Early Warning Early action
  • Risk Mapping
  • Emergency operation coordination
  • Cash
  • Building alliances

Your FbF capacity strengthening plan should include HQ/national as well as Chapter/sub-national level:

  • What is the desired result, what inputs/resources/materials are needed?
  • Who will participate?
  • Where will this take place?
  • When will the training take place and how often?
  • How will training be delivered?
Step 5: Build in capacities for EAP development

EAP design at times requires expertise which falls outside of in-house NS human, technical or financial capacities. Therefor, identifying which staff skills/capacities are necessary, and fortifying these through the key strategic, technical and operational staff, as well as training volunteers, and acquiring needed resources, can successfully contribute to the design of the elements and execution of the EAP.

Who What When
FbF Coordinator Oversees the FbF programme Entire FbF process. This will be intensive at the start of the project and through EAP development and validation. Following, FbF Focal Points monitor and coordinate EAP during activations, as well as maintain capacity to activate at all levels necessary for NS to carry out EAP.
Researcher/thematic expert Feasibility study 2 months beginning of the project, and 2 months if examining new modes of assistance (e.g. cash preparedness and CVA early actions)
QGIS expert Impact-based mapping and activation map generation 6-12 months + time needed between trigger and disaster (hazard and trigger dependent)
MEAL/PMER consultant Development of M&E plan, Decision Tree for Early Actions Impact study post activation 1- 2 months and 1-2 months post activation
Hydro-meteorological expert Trigger + EAP development, monitoring and FbF activation 6- 12 months for trigger development/Monitoring throughout
Thematic Early Action advisors/consultants/experts/ organizations Cash, Community Engagement and Accountability, Shelter Dependent on existing capacities and program requirements

Capacity within your NS is not only human, but also financial. While Forecast-based Action by DREF funding is available to validated EAPs, funding will be needed for EAP Development. Assess project budget and scope potential funding opportunities via Partnership National Societies. Scope whether your NS is engaged in ongoing projects to connect activities to funding streams, as well as private sector partnerships and institutional donors.

In some cases, there might be technical investments your National Society will choose to undertake. For example, GIS software, or even in cases in which your country lacks hydro-meteorological equipment for monitoring specific hazards, your NS can consider whether these investments are viable.

Mozambique Red Cross: FbF Capacity strengthening and preparedness for Early Warning Early Action

Mozambique Red Cross (CVM) engaging in early actions during Cyclone Idai

At the start of the FbF project in 2015, CVM established the core FbF team to address capacity strengthening and EAP development. Key positions included among others: FbP project manager, EAP Manager and Climate Change Advisor. In addition, Focal Point Technicians within the National Institute of Disaster Management (INGC), the Mozambique National Meteorology Institute (INAM) and the National Water Authorities (DNGRH) were identified.

Given the central structure of government, the dissemination and capacity strengthening plan targets CVM HQ, Provincial, District staff and volunteers, as well as government authorities at province and district levels with a pronounced focus on historically disaster prone high-risk areas.

As of 2020, CVM currently has one approved EAP for cyclones, and two EAPs in development for floods (in phase of validation)  and drought. Therefore CVM FbF team maintains capacity strengthening via regular meetings at HQ level, as well as “FbF readiness” at the provincial level for their Cyclone and Flood EAPs.

Regular trainings at province level engage NS chapter staff, local disaster management committees at the community level, capacitated by the local disaster management authority, INGC, and volunteers on early actions including early warnings, shelter strengthening, the distribution of non-food-items (NFI) like water purification tablets, soaps, jerry cans and mosquito nets in targeted districts. The trainings are organized in different modules and targeted to the specific audience at each level, involving practical components of EAP simulation.

In 2019, with the forecasting of Cyclone Idai, CVM volunteers were well equipped to unlock early actions, disseminating warnings and reaching out to vulnerable populations even in remote areas. The Red Cross had already equipped volunteers with bicycles, rubber boots, rain coats, megaphones, as well as first aid kits a year prior. The FbF-project in Mozambique helped to strengthen shelters and transport goods for humanitarian assistance in projected high-risk areas prior to the cyclone’s landfall. Goods included water purification tablets to keep drinkable water available after the cyclone passed.

CVM strengthens and maintains capacity for new and approved EAPs within one common plan and concept.

To follow CVM’s Idai activities, click here.

Step 6: Train all stakeholders involved

NS Leadership and HQ Staff

It’s critical to foster ownership over the FbF approach. NS leadership and all relevant departments should be fully onboard with the vision of integrating FbF into the NS DM strategies and wider programmatic activities to facilitate a successful FbF mechanism. At this moment, the link to other NS plans has to be clearly understood by all levels of the NS. At the same time, leadership will have to sign and validate the EAP before it is submitted to the FbA by the DREF and authorize activities for activation, so they need to have a sufficient understanding of what the EAP contains and why.

Once FbF has been introduced NS leadership and all relevant departments should be closely involved in the establishment and adaption of mechanisms and procedures necessary for the set up of the FbF system. HQ departments such as Finance and Logistics especially will have a crucial role to play in EAP implementation, and should be involved from the start.

Key Participants

FbF core team should hold an orientation to FbF and induction workshop with all key staff. These include focal points for DRM, PMER, Operational (e.g. Surge/Communications/Logistics) and Administrative/Finance, Information Management/Knowledge Management, MEAL, and thematic (e.g. Health/Wash, Shelter, Cash, DRR) staff, Regional and Global focal points (e.g. IFRC, RCCC, FbF PNS focal points).


  • Content:
    • Induction workshops should include a presentation of FbF Feasibility Study results (and further relevant existing Feasibility Studies e.g. Cash), overview of FbF methodology and global pilot examples, EAP requirements and FbF project and capacity strengthening plan, map of initial external stakeholders and partners
  • Formats:
    • In person or remote, Training the Trainers, field visits to historically high risk areas, exchange visits with regional FbF projects
  • Material:
    • Ensure staff has access to key FbF documentation (FbF Manual, EAP criteria of selection, EAP templates, EAP Toolkits, lessons learnt from other projects, briefing sheets, PPT presentations)

Putting the “Move” in Movement: Combining NS Exchange Visits with FbF Simulations

Latin American NSs load logistics truck to distribute assistance to El Progreso, Romerillos y San Agustín, Cotopaxi Province. © Luis Guzman, Costa Rica Red Cross.

The Latin America Regional FbF project EAP capacity strengthening, NSs from Peru, Costa Rica, Argentina, Guatemala and Honduras combined put learning by doing to practice, via a joint FbF simulation in Ecuador’s El Progreso, Romerillos y San Agustín, Cotopaxi Province. Following the drill, the all National Societies convened with the SG of the Ecuador Red Cross to share results, lessons learned.

Government authorities

It is critical to involve government authorities (at the national and later sub-national levels) as soon as NS staff have an understanding of FbF and the NS objectives, roles and responsibilities, within the program. As an auxiliary to the government, it is crucial FbF not only aligns with ongoing NS development plans, but also national and sub-national level DRM strategies and plans (following chapter 2. Engaging your stakeholders). Strong alliances for action need to be built with the NDRM authorities and with the Technical Scientific agencies such as the Hydro-Met office (and/or research institutions).

As many EAPs will count on government involvement or at least authorization, the relevant government agency focal points in high-risk regions should be familiar with the EAP content. Ideally they have been involved in developing the EAP (see chapter 2: Engaging your stakeholders).

Key Participants

NS FbF core team and National DRM, National Hydro-Met.


  • Content:
    • Induction workshops should include a presentation of FbF Feasibility Study results, overview of FbF methodology and global pilot examples, presentation of existing modes of preparedness and response with government authorities, EAP requirements and potential gaps in the NDRM system FbF can address. Include a proposed work plan for EAP development workshops and Technical Working Group meetings. EAP development workshops.
  • Formats:
    • In person (recommended) or remote, field visits to historically high risk areas, exchange visits with regional FbF projects, Dialogue Platforms
  • Material:
    • Ensure participants have access to Feasibility Study results, key FbF documentation (FbF Manual, EAP criteria of selection, EAP templates, lessons learnt from other projects, briefing sheets, PPT presentations)

Read more: Vietnam: Launching FbF, Philippines FbF briefing material

Vietnam Red Cross: Launching into FbF with all on board

To exchange global experience and to expand pilot projects in the ASEAN region, the first Regional FbF Dialogue was held from 13-15 June 2017 in Hanoi, Vietnam. This brought all Regional FbF stakeholders together to build capacity via sharing good practices, challenges and lessons learned. © GRC

Staff and volunteers in National Society branches and other actors at local level

Red Cross NS chapters, sub-national DRM authorities and committees and volunteers should have an understanding of FbF, and most importantly their role in executing early actions during activation.

A complete EAP submitted to FbA is a comprehensive document. It is recommended to adapt your EAP for specific target groups within your NS’s FbF training materials. For example, presenting key information on what will be done when, where and by whom in a simpler and shorter document (see Peru’s pocket EAP as an example) or powerpoint that can be shared with volunteers and staff.

Key Participants

Red Cross NS chapters, sub-national DRM authorities (for example, Head of DM, representatives from Health, Livestock, Agriculture, Social Protection/Welfare) and DRM committees, volunteers and relevant partners (humanitarian organizations active in the area).

  • Content:
    • Overview of FbF methodology and EAP (with an emphasis on trigger and early actions)
  • Formats:
    • 2-3 day induction workshops, in person (recommended), field visits to historically high risk areas, simulation
  • Material:
    • Ensure participants have access to a Volunteer Toolkit or Pocket EAP with relevant activation information, PPT presentations, sensitization material for communities)
Step 7: Finalize set up of your FbF system

When working on the EAP, it is important to not only focus on the triggers and early actions, but also to put in place all procedures and mechanisms needed for an activation.

Making your National Society FbF ready does hence not only include strengthening of capacities, but also a lot of work establishing and adapting procedures. A lot of these issues will already be addressed in your capacity strengthening work with relevant departments, but ensure before finalizing your EAP that all plans and procedures for activation in general and distribution in particular are available and understood by all involved staff and volunteers. Please see chapter 4. Develop your EAP on more information on activation, distribution, and security plans that need to be developed.

Step 8: Stay activation ready

Your NS might not “activate”, however, capacity building “readiness” activities and maintaining your prepositioning help National Societies, governments, and communities to remain FbF ready.

Early Action Protocol simulation on typhoon. Distribution of Shelter Strengthening Kits 27-29 August 2019 © GRC

And have serious fun!

The incorporation of “serious games” can add value to your capacity strengthening activities. Here is an example of the game Paying For Predictions in Uganda. RCCC has developed a variety of games, check them out in the Toolbox below.
